Wednesday, December 21, 2005

when someone dies

it is so sad when someone dies around the holidays. it somehow seems to taint the holiday for years to come for family and friends. the words are often so hard to find, especially when it is unexpected. i have a funeral to go to on Friday. i am certain that she is in heaven, which is a comfort to know. so friday will come, and there will be people there i haven't seen in quite some time. we will all be glad to see each other, we will want to catch up. but it will have taken someone leaving us, to get us all together. what does that say. why is it we can care so much about people and yet allow life and the hustle and bustle of things get in the way. why is it so easy to slip in and out of contact with people you truly care about. why do we allow the meaningless things in our life take away from the things that truly mean something. how can we sit idly by and watch our lives just pass us. today is the day to make our lives count. make our lives meaningful. today is the day to sieze and experience every moment we possibly can. who knows if we get to have another.


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