Thursday, December 15, 2005

Christmas Cookies and Pillow Fights

Tis the season to play with children and let them have lots of silly fun! So tonight these four youngins made Christmas cookies with me and then partook of a fun filled 45 minute pillow fight! those little buggers can swing! they aren't so good at stayin on their feet when they get hit though!! They laughed non stop, even on their ways to the floor! There was of course the occasional "accidental" injury. You know, the usual a couple of hits to the face, a bit tongue, near miss of a head straight into the corner of the bunk bed, along with all sorts of other non life threatening slight injuries! Nothing like toughing them up while they're young!! Those kids really took on Ms. Beverly and tried their best to get her good, but I don't think they were a match for her yet. Not that they weren't determined to try until the very end though! This bottom picture is of when Shaylah was too upset about having gotten hurt again that she couldn't even smile for a picture. So Samantha and I joined her with frowning faces for the camera. Don't we look pitiful! So lots of fun was had. No trips needed to the ER. It was a good night!

There is lots more going through my head right now....might write more later....might not!


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